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HTML Multi checkbox set – the correct way to group checkboxes

I was setting up an HTML form today and I wanted to group some options together in a multi checkbox set, allowing a user to select multiple options in a category. I usually just give each checkbox a unique name and parse all of the individual values in PHP, but this has always struck me as an ugly way to handle this use case.

As I was looking up the syntax for an HTML checkbox, I found a lot of info that said I could simply name all of the checkboxes the same and it would group all of the values together like this:

<input type="checkbox" name="chk_group" value="value1" />Value 1<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="chk_group" value="value2" />Value 2<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="chk_group" value="value3" />Value 3<br />

But this doesn’t work. When you POST the values to PHP, you only receive the last item selected in the group. The annoying thing is that a lot of the examples online show this same syntax even though it’s clearly wrong. After digging a little deeper, I found this forum post with the correct syntax. Adding square braces to the checkbox name creates an array of the selected values in the group:

<input type="checkbox" name="chk_group[]" value="value1" />Value 1<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="chk_group[]" value="value2" />Value 2<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="chk_group[]" value="value3" />Value 3<br />

This can be retrieved in PHP with a simple loop:

if (isset($_POST['chk_group'])) {
    $optionArray = $_POST['chk_group'];
    for ($i=0; $i<count($optionArray); $i++) {
        echo $optionArray[$i]."<br />";

Simple! I thought I should post this correct solution in the hopes that it might help someone else wade through all of the wrong information out there.

Prevent FCKEditor from converting image tags to input tags

FCK Editor is a free, open-source HTML editor that is commonly used in a variety of CMS (content management systems). It is often installed as a Drupal plugin and we use it in our own CMS at work. Unfortunately, it has a pesky default that converts image tags to input tags. If you add a linked image like this:

<a href=”…”><img src=”…” /></a>

it saves it as a linked input like this:

<a href=”…”><input type=”image” src=”…” /></a>

This can create CSS issues in some browsers because image inputs are displayed with a blue border. To prevent your image tags from being converted to input tags, you have to dig into the FCKEditor code and tweak it slightly. Every time I have to do this, it takes me an hour to find the code that needs to be changed. Hopefully, this will save someone else a lot of time and hassle…

1) Open this file:


2) Scroll down to about line 223. You will see this code:

if ( bImageButton )
	oImage = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'INPUT' ) ;
	oImage.type = 'image' ;
	oImage = FCK.InsertElementAndGetIt( oImage ) ;
	oImage = FCK.CreateElement( 'IMG' ) ;

3) Change it to this:

if ( bImageButton )
	//oImage = FCK.EditorDocument.createElement( 'INPUT' ) ;
	//oImage.type = 'image' ;
	//oImage = FCK.InsertElementAndGetIt( oImage ) ;
	oImage = FCK.CreateElement( 'IMG' ) ;
	oImage = FCK.CreateElement( 'IMG' ) ;

problem solved! woo hoo!

SOLVED! Google web fonts not displaying on (some) macs

Google web fonts are great. If you don’t know about them, you really need to check them out. They enable you to embed non-standard fonts into your website …and you don’t have to worry about any font licensing issues. But, we recently ran into a problem at work with Google web fonts – they weren’t displaying correctly on some Macs and Apple products. The really frustrating thing is that they worked fine on most Macs, but on some machines they didn’t work at all, no matter which browser we used. The fonts worked correctly on the Google web fonts site, but not when we used the Google code samples on our own sites.

One of my coworkers dug into the issue and found an undocumented solution. Simply add the !important hack to the font-face declarations in your CSS wherever you specify a Google font. Problem solved! Here’s a quick example:

    ...some meta tags and junk here...
    <link href="http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Rokkitt" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
        ...some styles...
        h1 {
            font-family: 'Rokkitt', serif !important;
        ...some more styles...
    ...more junk here maybe...

We never did figure out what is causing the issue, or why it only occurs on some Macs. Ultimately, though, we don’t care why it happens, as long as we can fix it. Anyway, since this bug is undocumented as far as I can tell, I thought I’d share this simple hack that fixes it. Thanks to my coworkers at Toolbox No.9 for solving the problem!

CSS sticky footer without javascript

UPDATE: The code I have provided here has a bug in Internet Exploder. Until I get it updated, I suggest you get a working sample here. Thanks.

Occasionally, a website design requires a “sticky footer” – that’s a footer that sticks to the bottom of the browser window when the content is not long enough to fill the browser. If the content is longer than the browser height, it should push the footer down below the content. It’s an easy task with a table-based layout, but it can be surprisingly tricky to pull off with pure CSS layouts.

Just the other day, someone asked me how to do this and I couldn’t remember how it was done off the top of my head, so… voila! a blog post was born. I have created 2 samples of the CSS-based sticky footer that work correctly in all major browsers for footers with a fixed height. No javascript is needed to pull off this effect.

CSS sticky footer

Example 1 shows the most basic scenario. Resize your browser and notice how the footer sticks to the bottom of the window until it hits the bottom of the content area. It is then forced below the content, exactly as it should be.

Example 2 is a slightly fancier version that shows you how to get a sticky footer on a centered layout. Again, the layout is CSS-based and has been tested in Firefox (2 & 3), Safari, Internet Explorer (6, 7 & 8), and Google Chrome.

You can download the source files here. If you’re a CSS ninja, there are enough comments in the files for you to figure it out. Otherwise, I’ll explain some of the details here:

First, open the basic example HTML and look at the top of the code.  The first line of code establishes the HTML doctype. You MUST have a valid doctype for the sticky footer to work. I have only tested it with the transitional doctype used in the examples. It should work with other valid doctypes, but you should test it thoroughly if you need to use another doctype.

Next, look at the line that declares the “main_styles.css” stylesheet. This stylesheet contains all of the css for the page. The next 3 lines specify a second stylesheet that contains only CSS overrides for Internet Explorer 6 and 7. This is the cleanest and easiest way I have found to deal with IE problems and it doesn’t require any hacks in the main stylesheet.

The DIV structure is pretty self-explanatory, but note that the footer is not contained inside of the “wrapper” div. It must be outside of the wrapper for the sticky footer.

Next, open “main_styles.css” – the comments should explain everything you need to know to make the sticky footer work. Note that the wrapper div has a min-height declaration. This is why we need a second stylesheet – IE 6 and 7 do not observe min-height correctly. If you open the ie_styles.css” file, you will see that the only style in it sets the height of the wrapper div. IE 6 and 7 treat height as if it was min-height, forcing the footer below the content area. IE 8 appears to follow the standards when it comes to min-height, so no override is needed for it.

Hopefully, the source files will provide you with templates that you can use to start building pages with a sticky footer. Good Luck!

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