Specializing in search engine obfuscation

Wasted potential is a blog!

Wasted potential is now a blog! I have had this domain for about 4 years now and I’ve only ever kept it updated when I was looking for a new job. Well, I thought it would be a good idea to do something useful with it, so I’m creating a blog. Mostly what you will find here is tutorials, source code and helpful tips about Flash, Actionscript 3, CSS layout, and other web development issues. I work as a Flash and web developer and my job would be impossible without blogs and forums full of people willing to give their time and expertise to help others. This is my effort to give back. I hope you find something you can use here.

You may find broken links or things that just don’t look right. Please email me and let me know about these problems so I can make the wasted potential experience nicer for everyone.



Flash AS3: target vs. currentTarget

1 Comment

  1. jeanna bagley

    The blog is cool, but I’m still waiting for “hole in the head” wasted potential online gear store to open!

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