Here today, gone tomorrow

Category: Game Development Page 4 of 5

Why I Still Make Games in Flash/AS3 (for now)

As I look ahead to this year, I have several posts planned around game development in ActionScript 3 (Flash). So, I thought I should post a brief explanation about why I’m STILL developing games in AS3. After all, isn’t Flash dead? Aren’t we all living in a brave, new HTML5 world? Here are a few of the reasons why I’m developing in AS3:

actionscript vs javascriptAs of this post, HTML5 <canvas> support is still inconsistent across major browsers. Admittedly, the main issue is Internet Explorer, but they still have a HUGE market share and can’t be completely ignored. For most of our <canvas> projects at work, we still end up building a Flash backup. If you’re targeting desktop devices for your games, publishing to Flash gives you a bigger market share than HTML5 <canvas>.

HTML5 <audio> support is pitiful. In some browsers (*cough* Mobile Safari *cough*), it barely works at all. Then there are issues with preloading sounds so they are actually available when you need them.

A New Direction for Wasted Potential

wasted potential cereal boxFor the past several years, this blog has been used as to provide helpful info to Web and Flash Developers. Basically, I would post solutions to problems that I couldn’t easily find elsewhere on the interwebs. It was just a place for developers to find resources to help with their day jobs.

There are several problems with this approach. First, the blog is a bit unfocused because it tends to reflect whatever I’m doing at my job. So, I have tips for WordPress, Flash, HTML, PHP, javascript, etc… I work with a lot of different technologies and I tend to post about whatever I’m working with at the moment. Another issue is that this type of blog works best with long, tutorial style posts. I’m a pretty busy guy these days and I just don’t usually have the several hours it takes to create a long tutorial. So, a lot of really great posts never get finished. I have unfinished drafts of tutorials for Drupal, CreateJS, and a wide variety of other things because I just don’t have the time to finish them. I also only post something about 6 times a year because of the time required to generate something worthwhile.

Well, it’s a new year and I’m going to take things in a new direction. Instead of being just about web development, Wasted Potential will be about indie game development, old-school gaming, electronics hackery, and related stuff (or even unrelated stuff that I find interesting). I’ll still post solutions to developer problems, but it will no longer be the main focus. It’s going to be a bit more personal and hopefully more interesting for me and everyone else.

I’m going to start by posting more often about what I’m doing in my spare time, as well as cool things I see other people doing. I also hope to roll out a new design for the site in the next few months. Stay tuned.

A Flixel platformer game with source code.

After my recent post about using Flashpunk to build a Flash game, I started working on a game project and quickly became frustrated with some of the shortcomings of Flashpunk. I found myself hacking the core Flashpunk engine so much that I thought I’d try Flixel and see if it worked better for me. I’m glad I did. Flixel has a lot of nice features built in that Flashpunk does not. After working with it a bit, I was able to hack together a small platformer in my free time over a few days. So, here are my thoughts on the Flixel and Flashpunk engines as well as the source code for my Flixel “game,” which is actually an interactive birthday card for my awesome wife.

First, click the image below to check out the Flixel game that I made last week (give it some time to load – there’s no preloader). You may need to click on the Flash stage to give the game focus.

I spent less than 15 hours on the whole thing and that includes coding the game, creating the artwork and even hand-coding the tilemap text file. The game has some issues, but I was rushing to get it done before my wife’s birthday and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out. Here are some things I would have changed if I had time:

  • Clean up the artwork. Most of the art was slapped together pretty quickly in photoshop and could use some serious polishing.
  • Add some sound effects
  • Optimize the graphics. Most of the screens use large bitmaps that should have been chopped up into smaller images.
  • Add a preloader

As for the eternal question of which is better Flixel or Flashpunk? Honestly, it’s a matter of personal preference, but I really prefer Flixel. If you want to build a basic platformer or top-down shooter, you could code the basic game in a day or two and spend more time building levels or creating graphics and sound. It just feels more fleshed out than Flashpunk to me.

My frustration at needing to hack the Flashpunk engine didn’t go away when I started using Flixel, however. The game that I’m trying to build requires me to hack the core of the Flixel engine too. The downside of Flixel is that the AS3 code in the Flixel engine is much more opaque than Flashpunk. Flashpunk’s code will be more familiar to most Actionscript developers, so it will feel more comfortable. In fact, I’m still working out some of the details of what I’m trying to do in Flixel and it is not as simple to tweak the Flixel engine as it was to modify Flashpunk.

As with Flashpunk, there aren’t many great tutorials for Flixel – the forums are very helpful.

Also like Flashpunk, Flixel has had a major revision at some point and a lot of the API was changed. If you are following a tutorial and the code isn’t working for you, it is probably for the older version of Flixel.

In case you missed it, you can download the source code for my Flixel game here. There is a lot of helpful code in there including how to set up scrolling, tilemaps, and collectibles. Feel free to take my code and build on it. I replaced the character sprite sheet because I want to use it again.

The music I used is “Many Happy Returns” by Tom7, used by permission. Click here to check out his other chiptunes – they’re great.

Augmented Reality Air Hockey – A Game Experiment

I was digging through some of my old files the other day and found this interesting game prototype from a few years ago, when Augmented Reality was the latest buzzword. I had seen some experiments with it, but I was curious to see if the AR Markers could be used as game controllers. Could you create a driving game where the AR Marker acted as the steering wheel? Or, could you even create multiplayer games that used multiple markers?

I started playing with the Transmote FlarManager and decided to try to create an air hockey simulation using 2 AR Markers and the APE physics engine for Flash. My game prototype can be seen in the video below.

This turned out to be a lot more challenging than I expected and I was pretty disappointed in the results. As you can see in the video, the performance of the Augmented Reality tracking is fairly weak. I also had to hack the physics engine quite a bit to get what I was looking for. Here’s the rundown of what I learned:

  • The Augmented reality tools are fairly clunky and require a lot of resources. That’s why most of the cool experiments you see use stationary AR Markers sitting on a tabletop. It’s too difficult to keep up with moving markers.
  • The Transmote FlarManager library tracks multiple markers, but it is not able to differentiate them. In other words, it can only tell that there are 2 markers on screen in my game. It can not tell which one is player 1 and which one is player 2. In this case, it really doesn’t matter. You score a point in air hockey when the puck lands in a goal – which player touched it last is unimportant. But, in many games, knowing which player acts on an object is crucial. I also tried the Squidder FLAR Actionscript library and had the same results.
  • APE (Actionscript Physics Engine) is a set of classes I have used before and I find it useful for simple physics-based games. The syntax makes a lot more sense than Box2D if you don’t know C++. But, for this game, I needed a Dragable Circle Particle, which is not a standard APE class. Luckily, someone smarter than me created one here. I adapted it and then created a FlarCircleParticle for my prototype.
  • This prototype has a lot of overhead. It uses the basic AR toolkit for Flash, the FlarManager, Papervision 3D, APE Physics, and more. So, on every frame, I’m capturing the webcam footage, trying to locate multiple AR Markers, using Papervision to calculate the positions of the players, and then running a physics simulation before drawing it to the screen. That’s a lot of work for Flash. For optimization, the Papervision probably needs to be removed and a 2D AR Marker locator needs to be created.

In essence, this experiment is a failure, which is why I never finished it. The FlarToolkit and FlarManager just aren’t capable of what I needed. I don’t consider it a waste of time, though. You need to be willing to take chances with game prototypes… and you need to be willing to give up on prototypes that just aren’t working. Very few great game ideas work perfectly on the first try, but an interesting failure can spawn a lot of great ideas.

If you want to try my prototype for yourself, download the markers and click here to test it out. The source code for this Prototype can be downloaded here. Feel free to take it and play with it. A word of warning: I built this several years ago and I hacked it together pretty quickly, so the code is a bit of a mess. If you are able to create anything cool with it, I’d love to know about it (and a shout out for wasted potential is always nice). Some links to resources you might need can be found below. Good Luck!

*Note that a lot of these actionscript libraries are no longer being maintained. They are the ones that I used when I originally built my prototype.

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